Wednesday, June 18, 2008


"Global warming.....It is the greatest scam in history." John Coleman (Founder of the Weather Channel)

News flash**** the cross is not green. Paul warned us about this kind of stuff. He called it "false doctrine." Things that were not true yet touted as such which served to undermine the "faith once given to the saints" (read 1 Timothy 1:3-7). It would seem that the evangelical community is growing increasingly concerned about the environment. In the 80's evangelicalism was associated with Reaganomics and called the "moral majority." In the 21st century the cross is now green and evangelicalism is on a quest to save mother earth.

Truly "we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now" (Romans 8:22). Such is some of the biblical justification for the fabricated reality of global warming and other environmentalist propoganda. The fact of the matter is none of the biblical authors were remotely thinking about the health of the earth from an environmental perspective. Without doubt the earth has been affected by the Fall, we have corrupted (polluted) it because of sin and it does wait for our redemption because with our redemption comes its own (Romans 8). This is an eschatological expectation which can only be resolved by Jesus and his return. Without doubt we are stewards of the planet (and poor ones at that) and there is place for "conservation." But the full-blown environmentalist agenda is a major diversion from God's mission for his church.

Consider the following:Global warming is a fallacy and the data supporting it is conjured up by similar means used by "science fictionists" to promote and propagate evolution. It's just more bad science promoted by the Discovery Channel. There are a slew of scientists contradicting this myth who go largely ignored by the leftist media (for that matter since when do evangelicals trust the media?). Secondly, the environmentalist movement is spurred largely by idolatrous earth worshippers, has the christian community forgotten Romans 1? I find it disturbing that evangelicalism is so willing to marry itself off to those who have been "given up by God" (Romans 1:22-32). Third, the global warming, anti-drilling crowd are the ultimate hypocrites. It is western arrogance at its worst and liberal fascism at its height. America exports its pollution, its poverty and its exploitation of the rest of the world. That is the real environmentalist agenda. Don't dare drill here (America) but who cares if we drill in Nigeria; encourage civil war, pollution and child labor in the process. And don't try to sell me on that, "we have to start somewhere" rot. Most Americans (including environmentalists) have never even heard of Nigeria or know where it is.

Then there is the cross of Christ. It's red I tell you with his blood shed for our sin. Including the sin of being led astray into delusional doctrine which only saps the resources and energy of the church on a quest for some "holy grail." I anticipate that the "green gospel" will be a new dividing line within the christian community. Those who preach we must save mother earth and those who preach "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son........... Sola Scriptura, WHB