"I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast, full of blasphemous names, having seven heads and ten horns. The woman was clothed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a gold cup full of abominations and of the unclean things of her immorality, and on her forehead a name was written, a mystery, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus. When I saw her, I wondered greatly." St. John, Revelation 17.3-6
"She wears a cross around her neck."
It is one of the more horrifying scenes. The carnage of the saints. Subjected to the machinations of a decadent diva. She is dressed to kill. A mesmerizing sight. She is overwhelming at first sight. Yet a glance is all she requires, for her looks kill. She is without mercy and takes delight in inflicting pain. Do not trust her. As a deadly siren she seeks to lure us away. And if she can not "woo" the the saints she will slaughter them just the same. It would seem at least for the moment that she is the victor and we are the spoils.
One has to wonder. Is this alluring diva in disguise? Is this not an elaborate "get up?" The church in drag. Or is it only coincidntial that the body of Christ is also his bride. Ye this woman is no virgin and not privledged to wear white. Her garb is not so simple, for she errs on the side of the flamboyant, ever trying to attract attention to herself. Her adornment is that of the harlot or probably more appropraitely the temple prostitute. She is a religious hoar selling herself to anyone who will entertain her. It is a fatal attraction of the worse kind, for her ways are the ways of death. To go after her is to prepare oneself for a banquet in the grave. She feasts on one's flesh while Hell's mouth is gaping wide awaiting the souls of the demised, damned.
She is without pity, she knows no remorse. Is she not drunk? She is embarassingly filthy and yet seems unaware of it. Yet, does one dare ask the question, Has the church slept with her? Tasted her nuptual nectar only to be enslaved to her? What has it cost to drink from her putrid waters, that filthy stream. Her waters are bitter, like that of Marah. It is a pathetic aftertaste like that of a diet soda. Those who will not sleep with her, she slaughters. Those who have slept with her are slaughtered. She is the praying mantis of idolatry, the evil hoar eating the brains of her victims.
May a day dawn when the saints see more clearly. When they are content with their first love. There is a river that makes glad the city of God. Come, drink from the waters without cost. The Bride says, come. The Spirit says, come. Drink that you no longer be plagued by hunger and thirst. For the Lamb leads us to the waters of life and God wipes away every tear from our eyes.
"The cross is someone shes has not met." Sola Gracia, WHB
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