Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Let It Go..................... Into The Desert (Part 2)

"For any person who is not afflicted in soul on that same day shall
be cut off from his people."
Leviticus 23.29

The gospel was always meant to be experienced. The man stood, looking up into the starlit sky. Shook his head, turned his back and walked out of civilization and into the desert. Christ was crucified outside the city. Not so much in the desert mind you. But the outskirts, neglected and unkept. Places children should not play, but are all drawn to. Somewhere between the edge of civilization and eternity. In his thirst did he think of the desert? The place where temptation fled and destiny could not be swayed.

There is much debate as to the location of Christ in the intermitent period between his death and his resurrection. Was he preaching hell, fire and brimstone or resting at heaven's doorstep? It moves me to wonder what happened to all those goats? You know, the ones on the Day of Atonement? One was slain and the other surrendered to the desert, bearing that heavy load. The burden none of us could carry, though at times we seem insistent. Pride truly does come before a fall. There are many who stumble in the desert (something to do with not travelig light).

But not him, the Man's too big the Man's too strong. Could it be he went into the desert, like all the rest before him? The Place which is neither heaven nor hell, though you will have your share of both there. You're wondering if any of this is real or is it all an apocalyptic mystery. Words without meaning or meaning too deep to be fathomed. This blade is real. The blood on our hands is real, becoming sticky, beginning to dry and crack. The smell of goatskin and burning flesh is real. The cold ashes of this sacrificial fire are real. Can't you see his footprints in the sand? They are untouched by the winds of time. I saw him, (just about sunset) walking out of the camp............ and into the desert. Sola Scriptura, WHB

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