Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Searchers

"I (GOD) will open rivers on the barren heights, and springs in the middle of the plains. I will turn the desert into a pool of water and dry land into springs of water." Isaiah 41:18

He walked on. Out of the city and into the desert. He passed right through two-bit towns and quaint little villages. He walked out of their lives forever. The memories fade. The sands of time seem to have blurred his vision of the past, faces he can't see and names he can't remember. He tried but failure haunted him at every corner. Old ways just didn't want to pass away. He had given up on the man he would never be. He'd spent most of his life second-guessing himself. Surrounded by could've, would've, should'ves. He'd learned that no matter how right he could be there was always something wrong. He was wrong, and had been for too long.

I wonder if Moses remembered Egypt? Or perhaps I should say, "How did he remember it?" Living in the desert, isolated from the world at large. Did his mind take him back to his former life? Did he hit the rewind button on that fateful day and try to make things turn out different. Did the word "murderer" haunt him in the desert?

The desert is haunted. Spend enough time out there and you will dine with demons and spirits by firelight. Dancing on the edge, casting their own deformed shadow of reality. They are intimidating, one should not wander off in the dark.

Still he walked on, into the desert and the dark. It enveloped him and soon he was just a whisper on the wind. Lost in an ocean of sand with no apparent way out. His tracks had long since been blown in, not that he would have followed them anyway. It was as if being lost was the only thing he was good at. He had finally found something at which he could succeed. And success was bittersweet.

It has been said there are streams in the desert. That Jesus walks around out there. He's made a way. He can even bring water from a rock. So, the man walks on. He'll stare at the stars and dream of better days. Tomorrow the search will go on. Sola Fide, WHB

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