"Trinity!!....Lead us up beyond unknowing and light, up to the farthest highest peak of mystic scripture, where the mysteries of God's Word lie simple, absolute and unchangeable in the brilliant darkness of a hidden silence." - Dionysius the Areopagite
Well a new year awaits us and I thought this would be a good time make an assessment of things. Not that I have a clue what I'm doing. I've been blogging since October as an experiment/outlet of sorts. I've read other blogs (mostly political, business or topic-specific stuff) to get a feel of what is happening out there. To some extent I think a blog is a dead end, another empty portal filled with jargon the average reader does not understand. I suppose I have only added to the litter. Perhaps it does matter though. For it matters to me and possibly the wandering few who bother to read what I write. Understanding is another thing altogether. If you understood exactly what I was saying would be at times disconcerting. What I write is buried in symbolism quite intentionally. Though if you read carefully I may reveal more than you realize.
For me this is a quiet quest. To be undone, reduced to obscurity. That one might be truly known and to some extent know the unknowable, the transcendent One who has determined to be known. If it helps you on your contemplative quest I am doubly blessed, for it has certainly aided mine. That being said I dare to request feedback. I say dare, because I'm not sure anybody is out there. I will survive if there is nothing but silence. I already know that this is one more dark portal, with a black screen staring back. But etched within the fabric of this space are the words "God Is In the Desert." If a tree falls in the woods and nobody is there to hear it, it still makes noise and if a book is written that nobody ever reads, it still says something. Because its author who controls its meaning put it there. Anyway that is another story. As I was saying, feedback can only help me improve what I am doing. The fact that I write so frankly probably exposes my internet ignorance. But suggestions may help me produce a better product so I am open to ideas or criticisms. Wether it be in regards to what I write, how I write or what is in my profile (I'm not sure if anything is there or for that matter what should go there).
After the first of the year we will return to our regular scheduled programming. Desert journeys, contemplation, mystical meditations with a splash of exegesis, all harmonized in the music of my own song. Sola Fide, WHB
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Well, at least someone reads this. I've only just started recently, so I don't have too much to comment on. But , people are reading.
I have just tuned in today, and so haven’t much to say as I have just scanned your previous posts and not read them thoroughly. I will stop in every so often, however, now that I know this is here.
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