Thursday, December 01, 2005

Let It Go............ Into The Desert (Part 1)

"For any person who is not afflicted in soul on that same day shall be cut off from his people." Leviticus 23.29

"Father forgive them." Famous last words. What were those goats thinking when Aaron flipped that coin. Is it heads or tails? Of course there was no coin toss at Golgatha's Mercy Seat. The single grain of wheat had to die, fall into the ground and emerge.

- Eyes that do not see
Ears that do not hear
Hearts that do not beat
Stone cold, wrapped in the icy grip of winter,
Lost in the frigid winds of a Nor'easter.
Hopelessness wanders in a ice-glazed desert with no road home.
If you find yourself in Missouri during Spring, when the pastures are green and the hills roll on forever into a Kansas sunset, it has been said; "This must be heaven." Like a stubborn flower, splitting the 'stone cold' creating fissures which rivers of life now flow through. Yes, Golgatha like some high tower lifted high the "Carrier." He who bore that heavy load, and then she like some monstrous rocky crag swallowed him whole; whereby angry young men could only look back and lament. Rather than flip another coin the straw was bruised for our transgressions. I can see Him, (just about sunset) walking out of the camp......... and into the desert. Sola Gracia, WHB

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